Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a boon to treat many medical conditions. HBOT treatment boosts the healing process in our body. This is made possible by inhaling 100% pure oxygen in a chamber where the pressure is controlled and maintained at a level more than that of atmospheric. The entire process is comprehensively supervised by medical professionals. The pure oxygen is not only absorbed by red blood cells but also by other fluids in the body and carries oxygen to deprived areas. When oxygen reaches the damaged tissues, the bacteria is killed by white blood cells and healing process is quicker. This safe and natural non-invasive procedure not only helps in quick healing process but also aids in reduction of inflammation and growth of new blood vessel. So, in a nutshell when natural process of healing does not function properly, HBOT treatment comes as a rescue.
HBOT benefits
Oxygen we breathe generally aids in natural healing process through red blood cells. But when the blood could not reach the damaged tissue, HBOT treatment becomes the savior. It is greatly useful as oxygen that is delivered to the damaged tissues through other body fluids aids in quick healing process. Though HBOT is popular in treating decompression sickness (the bends) as they provide more oxygen to the tissues and cells, they also treat conditions like circulatory problems, wounds that do not heal in normal course of time, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, stroke, migraine, cerebral palsy, head injuries. Of late, HBOT is being established as a great medical breakthrough in treating autism. Rejuven8, the leading clinic for HBOT therapy in Mumbai emphasizes that apart from treating many conditions, many of brain damaged patients are benefitted by HBOT when other form of treatments failed to respond.
HBOT and Brain Damage Treatment
Brain damage or injury may happen due to accidents, sports injury, shooting or crashes. These are traumatic brain injuries (TBI). In case of TBI, neurons are not dead but they just remain in dormant state in the brain. When brain consumes sufficient oxygen through HBOT treatment, it initiates the energy production and thereby the activities of neurons are restored and given a new lease of life. This has been proved many times by brain imaging using SPECT scans. Just after few sessions of HBOT, fabulous improvement in the conditions has been observed through brain imaging. Regular HBOT sessions results in improved neurological symptoms and boosts the metabolic and electrical activity.
Few instances where HBOT can script success stories are mentioned below to highlight its capability:
• Post coronary artery bypass surgery, it is common for few patients to have memory loss and other neurological impacts. When they are subjected to HBOT treatment, the chances of mental focus, balanced vision and stability becoming normal are quite high.
• While dealing with memory and cognitive problems that arise out of accidents, HBOT can restore the speech, concentration and confidence in the patient’s mind.
• It is a known fact that paralytic attacks create havoc in the day to day life. HBOT sessions can definitely improve the situation and switch back their life into active mode.
• With road accidents occurring daily in all parts of our country, few people succumb to the injuries but luckily many
people survive the head injuries. Although most of them recover substantially, they still continue to have both physical and psychological problems. This may lead to degenerative brain disorders and pave way for earlier onset of dementia. HBOT can play an effective role to eliminate all the eventualities and restore the patients from the trauma.
HBOT not only presents an excellent avenue for treating both traumatic and non traumatic brain injuries, but also renders effective results in the treatment of non-healing wounds. To sum it up, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has immense potential to turn a new chapter in the lives of millions of patients who otherwise are slowly degenerating due to chronicle neurological problems.